
Gift voucher for the services of the Královka Hotel worth 10.000 CZK

Take advantage of our hotel services and spend a pleasant and relaxing stay with a gourmet experience at our hotel in Královka.
10 000 CZK


In the renovated building of the old Královka you will find 9 double rooms, which are situated on the first floor and attic, in the same building as the Královská restaurace and SPA & WELLNESS. The rooms will serve you during your stays in the countryside, business trips or corporate events. We have renovated and built the hotel in cooperation with local craftsmen, using as much original wood from the old buildings as possible. We gave the old wood a chance to shine again.

Our accommodation offer also includes a total of 22 Royal Suites. All provide plenty of privacy, space and are tastefully and modernly furnished. The main element in the interior is wood, which gives a feeling of warmth, security and harmony with the surrounding nature. The apartments are fully equipped - including a full kitchenette for those who do not want to depend on the hotel kitchen. However, you still have access to all the services at Kralovec, including both of our restaurants. Take a look at our full range of apartments and choose according to your wishes. We have prepared for you luxury without compromise, but always with respect and reverence for nature.

To redeem this voucher, please visit us in person at the hotel reception or contact us at tel: +420 778 111 100

Alternatively, please use the email:

We wish you a pleasant stay!

Your Hotel Královka